Your age
Name of the dog(s) you are applying for?
ChristoFUR aka Topher
If you checked "Other" above, please provide name or description of the dog you are interested in:
Street Address
Mailing Address - if different from above
City, State, Zip
Should anything happen to you unexpectedly (car accident, terminal illness, death), who would step in to care for your dog? Please provide name and phone number below.
When are you planning to adopt a dog?
Within a month
Within 3 months
Within 6 months
I'm just starting the process and requesting pre-approval
Applicant 2 Employer - Where do you work? How many hours do you normally work in a day? How many days do you work each week? How long is your commute? How long have you worked with this company?
Names & Ages of everyone living in the home including partner, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, children, parents, friends, grandparents or renters. Does anyone have allergies to dogs?
Is anyone living in your home concerned, afraid, apprehensive, or uncertain about bringing a dog into the house? If yes, please explain.
Do you Own or Rent your home?
Living with Parents
Living with Relatives
Living in Dorm
How long have you lived at this address?
Please select Months or Years
If less than 1 year provide previous address & number of years living there. If this was a rental property, provide landlord name & number as well.
Do you live in a condo or neighborhood governed by an Association? If yes, please provide the name & number of someone on the Board of Directors.
Renters - Name of Landlord
Landlord's Phone
Do you have permission from your landlord to adopt a dog?
I'm not sure
I didn't ask yet
Any restrictions on breed, size or anything else? If yes, please explain restrictions.
Name of Veterinarian
If you don't have a vet, indicate reason.
Never had pets
Didn't use a vet when I did have pets
New to area and haven't found vet yet
I purchase vaccines and provide core vaccines to my own pets
Are your pets (current or previous) spayed/neutered?
If no, please provide reason why this has not been done.
Are your pets (current or previous) up to date on their vaccinations?
If no, please provide reason why this has not been done.
Personal Reference 1: Name and Relationship (May NOT be family member, parent, child, spouse or partner.)
Personal Reference 2: Name and Relationship (May NOT be family member, parent, child, spouse or partner.)
Have you ever owned a dog?
Do you have any pets now?
If not included above, list type of pet(s), name & age. If pet is dog, list approximate weight. How many years has each pet lived with you? If not deceased, where is the pet now?
Please reference this scale to indicate what activity or energy level you would like your dog to have. What level would fit in best with your lifestyle? Do you prefer a laid back companion or a higher energy partner?
Level 1 - Dog prefers to sleep most of the day
Level 2 - Dog is laid back, but enjoys playing with other dogs/people at times, happy to go for a walk around the block
Level 3 - Balance of laid back and active, interested in watching a movie with you, but just as happy to go for a hike together
Level 4 - Moderately active, eager to play, excited to join you for adventures, but does not need to be in motion to be happy
Level 5 - Very active, prefers to be doing something, doesn't nap much during the day, prefers to be on the move, needs to exercise in order to thrive
What does a normal day look like for each pet? How much time do you spend together? What sorts of things do you do? If you do not have pets, tell us what you would plan to do if you adopted one of our dogs.
On an average day, how many hours will a dog be alone without a person to spend time with?
Do you expect this to change within a year of adopting a dog? If yes, what will the new number of hours alone be?
Where will the dog be when alone? You can select more than one response.
Crated inside
Gated in a room inside
Outside in fenced yard
Outside in underground fenced yard
Outside loose
Loose in the house
At Doggie Daycare
If other, please explain:
Are dogs allowed on the furniture in your home?
Only some of the furniture is ok for the dog to be on
If the dog is only allowed on some furniture, how do you plan to teach the dog what is allowed or not allowed?
Where will the dog sleep at night?
Will you enroll this pup in positive reinforcement dog training classes to help him get started?
If the answer is "No", please explain.
Where will you bring your pup for training or which trainer will you work with? Have you contacted them to ask about current classes?
Socialization is a very important part of a dog's life. How do you plan to socialize your dog?
If you are exploring other options for adoption, where are you in the process?
I have only applied at VT Dog Rescue
Applications were submitted with other rescues or breeders, but I have not heard from them
Another rescue/breeder is finding a dog for me
I am scheduled to meet a dog from a different organization
How did you learn about VT Dog Rescue?
Adopt a Pet
Rescue Me
Friend or family member
If other, friend or family member - please let us know who we can thank for the referral.
Life is full of change, in what situation would you want to give up your dog?
Financial issues
Dog demands too much time
Incessant barking
Too needy
Dog has medical issues
New baby
Dog is too big/too small
Doesn't get along with my other pets
Not housebroken
Dog is part of our family. I will not give him up.
Additional Comments: Please use this space to clarify any answers or share additional information. Thank you!
By submitting this application, you certify all of the information in this application is accurate and subject to verification. You agree to keep the dog as an indoor house pet - not a dog who spends unsupervised time outside. You agree to maintain regular veterinary care including annual vaccines and monthly heartworm prevention for this dog.
I have questions about this. Please email us with any questions at: